Elegant Approach Towards Plotly Graphics

Tools, Tips, Books, Resources

R Programming

Abhirup Moitra


November 29, 2024


Plotly is a versatile library in R that allows users to create stunning interactive visualizations with ease. Known for its flexibility and intuitive syntax, Plotly has become a popular choice for data scientists, analysts, and researchers looking to enhance their data storytelling capabilities. With just a few lines of code, you can turn static visuals into interactive, web-ready graphics that add depth and dynamism to your data.

This article explores an elegant approach to working with Plotly in R, covering essential tools, practical tips, recommended books, and resources for mastering this powerful visualization library. Whether you’re an R novice or an experienced data wrangler, this guide provides a structured pathway to leverage Plotly’s full potential.

Getting Started with Plotly in R

Plotly is known for its ability to seamlessly integrate with R’s ecosystem, making it ideal for adding interactivity to visualizations originally created in ggplot2 or other libraries. To get started, install Plotly in R by running:


Plotly provides both simple methods and advanced features for various chart types—scatter plots, bar charts, histograms, maps, and more.

1. Essential Tools and Packages for Plotly Visualization

To create a smooth workflow, Plotly pairs well with other packages in R. Here are some complementary tools that enhance its capabilities:

  • ggplot2: The ggplotly() function converts static ggplot2 charts into interactive Plotly graphics, combining the best of both worlds—ggplot2’s versatility and Plotly’s interactivity.

    p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg, color = factor(cyl))) +
        geom_point(size = 3)
  • dplyr: Use dplyr for data manipulation before visualizing with Plotly. This package simplifies data wrangling, letting you focus on creating clean, organized data visualizations.

  • shiny: For building interactive dashboards, combining Plotly with Shiny allows you to create responsive applications with dynamic visualizations based on user inputs.

  • htmlwidgets: Plotly charts are htmlwidgets, which means you can easily embed them in R Markdown documents and Shiny apps or save them as HTML files for sharing.

2. Tips for Creating Elegant Plotly Visualizations

Enhancing Plotly graphics involves careful design choices and customization. Here are a few tips to ensure your visuals stand out:

  • Choose Color Schemes Wisely: Plotly offers built-in color palettes, but you can customize colors to match your theme or branding. The colorway argument can be used for setting custom colors in Plotly charts.

  • Add Titles and Annotations: Clear titles, axis labels, and annotations add context to your visualizations. Use the layout() function to adjust these elements.

    fig <- plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg, 
                   type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers') %>%
      layout(title = "Weight vs. MPG",
             xaxis = list(title = "Weight"),
             yaxis = list(title = "Miles Per Gallon"))
  • Incorporate Tooltips: Tooltips are a standout feature in Plotly, displaying detailed information on hover. The text argument allows you to add custom tooltips, improving data exploration.

    plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers',
            text = ~paste("Car: ", rownames(mtcars), "<br>Weight: ", wt, "<br>MPG: ", mpg))
  • Experiment with 3D Plots and Maps: Plotly offers advanced plot types such as 3D scatter plots, surface plots, and geographic maps. These add a new dimension to your analysis, especially for complex datasets.

    plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~wt, 
            y = ~mpg, 
            z = ~hp, type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers")

4. Online Resources and Tutorials for Plotly in R

  • Plotly’s Official Documentation: The Plotly R Documentation offers comprehensive guides and examples covering all chart types, layout adjustments, and advanced features.

  • RStudio Community: The RStudio Community provides a wealth of user-generated discussions and solutions for visualizations in R, including Plotly-specific topics.

  • DataCamp: DataCamp’s Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly in R course is a hands-on course that introduces users to Plotly, covering chart types, customization, and interactivity.

  • YouTube Tutorials: Channels like Data School and StatQuest have practical Plotly tutorials, showcasing how to create and customize visuals step-by-step.

5. Combining Plotly with Shiny for Interactive Dashboards

Plotly and Shiny together can create powerful interactive dashboards. Shiny allows users to input and filter data in real-time, and Plotly’s graphics can react dynamically, providing a seamless user experience. Here’s a quick example:


ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Interactive Plotly Chart with Shiny"),
      sliderInput("mpgRange", "Select MPG Range:", min(mtcars$mpg), max(mtcars$mpg), value = c(15, 30))

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$scatterPlot <- renderPlotly({
    filteredData <- subset(mtcars, mpg >= input$mpgRange[1] & mpg <= input$mpgRange[2])
    plot_ly(filteredData, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg, type = "scatter", mode = "markers")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

This simple app allows users to adjust a slider to filter car data based on miles per gallon (MPG), showcasing how responsive and interactive visualizations can be achieved using Plotly and Shiny together.


Plotly in R is an incredibly powerful tool for creating interactive, elegant, and web-ready visualizations. From basic scatter plots to complex dashboards, Plotly offers extensive customization options that make data exploration both insightful and visually appealing. By using complementary tools like ggplot2 and shiny, you can build sophisticated data narratives that engage your audience.

With the resources, tips, and best practices outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to mastering Plotly in R. Unlock its full potential to communicate your data with elegance and interactivity.

Further Readings