About Abhirup
An independent thinker, curious learner, and explorer of the universe. Since childhood, he has been trying to understand how the whole universe works, how is arranged together, and the clockwork behind it that makes it run the way it is. Abhirup loves to explore and observe the night sky. Being a probability enthusiast he enjoys dealing with challenging problems in the field of Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, and Theoretical Statistics and making people realize how we can understand the pattern in the chaos, and how our beliefs work in the real world.
I’ve completed my graduation from Amity University, Kolkata. In 3 years of B.Sc.(Hons.)-Statistics program, academic pedagogy focused on, Statistics and Mathematics (Major). Econometrics and Statistical Computing (Minor). I have attended mathematics classes (Real analysis, Linear algebra, Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations along with pre-college calculus), Probability and Statistics ( Probability theory, Inferential statistics, Linear Model, Statistical Programming with Lab, and Operation Research), and Econometrics.
Research Interest
Abhirup is a self-driven individual with a deep passion for understanding the universe. His research Interests:
Mathematical Analysis.
Statistics (Theoretical and Mathematical).
Complex Dynamics (Rational Iteration, Complex Quadratic Polynomial)
Fixed Point Iteration & Iterated Function System (IFS)
Self-similarity & Fractals.
He aims to share fundamental and advanced mathematical concepts to inspire research and contribute to science and technology. Abhirup is committed to advancing scientific literacy, contributing to mathematical applications, and inspiring future generations by making a community in The Era of Chaos.
Experience and Work
Researcher, Educator & Science Comunicator
Cosmic Charade
Cosmic Charade is an educational and research-focused organization in India that aims to revolutionize theoretical science through significant advances in our understanding of the universe. The company brings together creative minds to explore and address fundamental scientific questions, emphasizing the transformative impact of today’s theoretical science on future technologies (Cosmic Charade🪐🌠 - 🪐Cosmic Charade🌠) (Quarto).
I am a researcher, educator, and science communicator with expertise in scientific computing, numerical methods, and complex dynamics. My research interests focus on fractal geometry, holomorphic dynamics, and their computational applications.
Since 2022, Abhirup has been actively involved with Cosmic Charade, contributing to its growth as a platform for science communication through articles, podcasts, and mentorship programs.
Abhirup was involved with an initiative taken by the fellows of the INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE named MATH-GANIT where he worked as a Content creator and science blogger. He actively contributed by imparting problem-solving strategies in mathematics and authored formal blogs on the subject.
Kolkata R User Group
Abhirup is a core committee member of the Kolkata R User Group, where he serves as an event coordinator and course instructor. He contributes to the group’s mission of advancing scientific computation, visualization, and statistical analysis through R programming.
Era of Chaos & Mathematics Coach
Abhirup has established a community called The Era of Chaos to ensure that the dramatic changes brought about by science and technology are directed towards positive outcomes. He believes that in a democratic society, everyone should have a basic understanding of science to make informed decisions independently, rather than relying solely on experts. Abhirup’s mission is to share fundamental and advanced ideas and techniques in modern science and technology to stimulate research interest in mathematical applications and pass new knowledge to the next generation.
Currently, Abhirup is working in the fields of Complex Dynamics, Fractal & Chaos. As a mathematics coach and mentor, he has taught undergraduate students subjects such as Real Analysis, Measure Theoretic Probability, and Theoretical Statistics. Through The Era of Chaos, Abhirup hopes to foster a broad understanding of how the universe operates and our place within it, ultimately succeeding in his vision of a scientifically literate and engaged community.
Summer Internship
Abhirup conducted a comprehensive literature review in the field of Complex Dynamics under the guidance of Dr. Shantanu Nandi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT-AP University. This review involved exploring various aspects of holomorphic dynamics, fractal geometry, and their connections to mathematical and computational sciences.
Research Internship
Abhirup presently engaged in a research internship at VIT-AP University, working under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Shantanu Nandi. His current focus is on exploring complex quadratic polynomials and the principles of rational iteration, which form the foundation of my ongoing research. This work involves a thorough investigation of the iterative processes and behaviors associated with these polynomials, and it is aimed at developing a deeper understanding of complex dynamics. Building on this groundwork, we plan to extend our research to address more intricate and challenging mathematical problems in this field, advancing both theoretical insights and practical applications in complex systems.